In Memoriam: George P. Crepeau

September 21, 2016

In Memoriam: George P. Crepeau

George Crepeau

Emeritus Professor George P. Crepeau, age 94, died September 17, 2016. According to his obituary, he joined "the theatre faculty of the department of Speech and Theatre at The Ohio State University in 1959. He was assigned various duties as a stage designer and stage director in the department as well as teaching and advising undergraduate, Masters, and PhD students. Actively involved in student life at OSU, he received the Alfred G. Wright award for his service as a teacher and faculty advisor to various student organizations. He was named to OSU faculty membership in student academic honorary organizations Bucket and Dipper, Sphinx, and as a faculty member of Ohio Staters, Inc. In the department of Theatre, he was involved with the theatre production program of the University Theatre as Designer and/or Director of many major stage productions, worked with community theatre companies, and with Ohio High School Association theatre festivals and competitions, was the director of an OSU/USO student performance troupe touring various military facilities in the US and Arctic commands, conducted several Eastern and Western European study tours visiting schools and theatres of worldwide reputation. He continued theatre activity as an adjudicator of community theatre in Ohio and Indiana, and as a consultant on national and international projects. Dr. Crepeau was named Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs in the Office of Academic Affairs in 1971, Associate Provost for Instruction in 1972, and Associate Provost for Special Programs in 1975. In the latter position, he was responsible for areas of traditional and non-traditional instruction, evening and part time programs, off-campus instruction, programs in International Studies, as well as programs for the handicapped and elderly. Other special assignments, such as the decennial accreditation of the university were assigned to him. In the office of Academic Affairs he was associated with the Council on Academic Affairs, the Task Force on Learning, Distinguished Teaching Awards, Student Evaluation of Teaching, the Committee of Academic Misconduct, and served as the Secretary of the Council of Deans." Read more >>>