Doctoral Student Adrienne Oehlers Receives Fellowship

August 26, 2022

Doctoral Student Adrienne Oehlers Receives Fellowship

Adrienne Oehlers

Doctoral Candidate Adrienne Oehlers has been awarded a 2022-23 American Fellowship by the American Association of University Women (AAUW). This fellowship will enable Oehlers to focus on completing her dissertation on African American dancers and their place in the historiography of musical theatre.

AAUW is one of the world’s leading supporters of graduate women’s education: Over the past 134 years, it has provided more than $135 million in fellowships, grants and awards to 13,000 women from 150 countries. AAUW is proud to be one of the nation’s largest educational funders for women of color.

For the 2022-23 academic year, AAUW is awarding $6 million through seven fellowships and grants programs to more than 320 scholars, research projects and programs promoting education and equity for women and girls.

American Fellowships, AAUW’s largest funding program, began in 1888, making them one of the world’s oldest and most competitive fellowship programs exclusively for women. These fellowships support scholars who are completing doctoral dissertations, conducting postdoctoral research or finishing research for publication.