Department Seeks Nonfiction Filmmaker

October 19, 2021

Department Seeks Nonfiction Filmmaker

The Department of Theatre, Film, and Media Arts at The Ohio State University seeks an accomplished nonfiction filmmaker with a terminal degree in cinematic production (or a related field with commensurate professional experience) for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor beginning August 2022.

This is a new position in a recently established BA program in Moving-Image Production (MIP) which emphasizes innovative methods, approaches, and practices in film/video production that are based on a sound understanding of theory and history. We seek a colleague with creative practices that are grounded in issues and ideas pertaining to social change and who works on documenting the lives and experiences of members of marginalized or minoritized groups. This position is central to the growth of the MIP program. It will help to support and develop a degree which draws from offerings across the arts and humanities, including Art, Dance, Design, Film Studies, The Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design, and the Wexner Center for the Arts, and who will be involved in our emerging, vibrant Arts District.

Apply at academicjobsonline.