Call for Actors for Original New Play

November 14, 2019

Call for Actors for Original New Play

We are looking for 15 volunteers to participate in the stage reading of Stratos E. Constantinidis' Senate Hearing, a two-act play about a U.S. President who nominates a judge for the position of Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. A week later, it is leaked to the press that the judge had sexually assaulted a professor at a party when they were teenagers. 
The play has 15 speaking roles (8 male and 7 female). The 8 male roles include 5 senators, a judge, a court clerk and the U.S. President. The 7 female roles include 4 female senators, a professor, her lawyer, and a public prosecutor. 
We anticipate that 5 rehearsals will be enough for the stage reading. The 2-hour rehearsals and the stage reading will take place at the Department of Theatre in the Drake Performance Center on 1849 Cannon Drive at 7:00 p.m. on days that are convenient for the 15 volunteers. The stage reading will be scheduled in mid-March 2020.
A stage reading is an intermediate phase in the development of a new play. It does not require any sets, costumes, performance skills, or memorization. A narrator reads the stage directions. 
If you are interested in reading for any of the above roles, please contact Aviva Neff, PhD candidate (ABD) as soon as possible but no later than November 30, 2019.