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Graduate Interdisciplinary Specialization in Film Studies

We do not currently offer M.A., M.F.A., or Ph.D. programs in Film. 

You must be admitted to an eligible graduate degree program at the Ohio State University to complete the Graduate Interdisciplinary Specialization (GIS) in Film Studies transcript designation.

  • The GIS is a transcript designation (not a degree or standalone program) for students who have already been admitted to graduate studies in another academic unit, and who wish to take film classes that supplement their M.A. or Ph.D. concentration.
  • To learn more about graduate programs at the Ohio State and how to apply for available (non-film) programs, please see: gradsch.osu.edu. Once accepted to a graduate degree program, a student may work with their graduate advisor to request enrollment in approved film coursework to count toward the GIS transcript designation.  

The Graduate Interdisciplinary Specialization (GIS) in Film Studies is a degree enhancement open to any graduate student at The Ohio State University who is interested in developing a secondary expertise in film studies to complement the student's home graduate program. This specialization provides students the tools for rigorous formal and historical analysis of film. It urges students to think critically about film as an aesthetic form and cinemas as a social institution.

GIS in Film Studies advisor: Paige Piper, Academic Program Coordinator, piper.92@osu.edu


The specialization requires a minimum of four courses and no less than 12 hours.

  • At least 9 hours must from film studies courses on Approved Course List (see below).
  • At least 9 hours must come from outside the student's home degree program/department. 
  • At least 6 hours must be taken at the 7000 level or above.
  • A grade of B or better is required in each course and a minimum 3.4 GPA in the specialization. Courses graded S/U are not eligible for use toward the GIS.

Students may complete 3 credit hours of the total 12 hours from an intensive, upper-level film course (not on the approved course list). This elective must be approved by the department in advance. Students should contact the academic program coordinator in advance for course approval and enrollment options. 


Students should enroll in approved courses from the Approved Course List (below). 

1) Track coursework and verify program of study requirements are met. 
Be sure that you have met course and grade requirements of the GIS in Film Studies. Submit completed GIS audit form to the program coordinator to review and ensure all requirements have been met the semester prior to your completion. 

To request an audit of your progress toward completion at any stage of your GIS, please forward the completed audit form with an unofficial transcript to program coordinator.

2) Once final curriculum is approved with course audit, submit GIS application in GradForms

Application for the GIS is made at the beginning of the semester of its completion. This requirement exists because the form may be forwarded to the Graduate School only in the first two weeks of each semester, and this leaves time for making other arrangements in the event that a completed course is not approved toward completion of the GIS.

After department approval, students should submit a Minor and Graduate Interdisciplinary Specialization form in GRADFORMS. The form serves as the student’s formal application. The coordinator of the GIS will be notified to review the application, and the student’s graduate advisor will receive an email notice that the student submitted the form.

  • Log into the GradForms website using OSU credentials.
  • Click on ‘Graduation and Examination Tasks’ and then choose the ‘GIS/Minor application’.  

3) Graduate School form approval and confirmation
Once the student initiates the online application an email is sent to the Department of Theatre, Film, and Media Arts to approve/deny the form.  After the department approves, the form it is reviewed by the Graduate School for verification that all course and grade requirements have been met. 

  • Once the Graduate School confirms final decision, the student will receive a confirmation email.
  • The student must adhere to the curriculum of the minor/GIS program as indicated on the program form.
  • If ANY changes in the approved curriculum are necessary, the student must have the change approved by the GIS program, which will notify the Graduate School. Departures from the approved minor/GIS program could result in the specialization not appearing on the student’s transcript.

4) Transcript designation
When the student has completed the minor/GIS program and approval via GRADFORMS is granted by the department and Graduate School, the designation will be posted to the student’s academic record. 

9 credit hours of total 12 credit hours for the GIS in Film Studies must be completed from the approved list below: 

  • ACCAD 6650: History of Animation  
  • CHINESE 7468: Seminar in Chinese Film*  (May have language requirements)
  • COMPSTD 8891: The Wexner Center Seminar 
  • ENGLISH 4578: Special Topics in Film  
  • ENGLISH 6778.01: Introduction to Graduate Study in Film and Film Theory  
  • ENGLISH 7878: Seminar in Film & Media Studies
  • ENGLISH 7882.01: Interdepartmental Seminar in Critical Theory 
  • FILMSTD 5193: Individual Studies (internship/field work) 
  • FILMSTD 7000: Graduate Studies in Film History 
  • FILMSTD 7001: Advanced Theory Seminar: Methods and Applications 
  • FRENCH 4023: Studies in French Cinema 
  • FRENCH 5702: Contemporary French Cinema 
  • FRENCH 8701: Seminar in French Cinema*  (May have language requirements)
  • GERMAN/FILMSTD 4670H: Cinema and the Historic Avant-Garde
  • GERMAN 6400: Introduction to German Film 
  • GERMAN 8400: Seminar in Film, Visual Culture, and the Performing Arts
  • HISTART 4015: Wexner Center Media Arts Programming 
  • HISTART4901: Classic Film Theory--proposed 
  • HISTART 5645: Video Art 
  • HISTART 5901: Silent Cinema: 1895-1927 
  • HISTART 5902: Classical Sound Cinema: 1927-1948 
  • HISTART 5903: Recent Cinema: 1948-Present 
  • HISTART 5905: Avant-Garde Film 
  • HISTART 5910: Documentary Film
  • HISTART 8001: Studies in Art Theory and Criticism (Film Theory II & III)
  • HISTART 8641: The Wexner Center Seminar 
  • HISTART 8901: Selected Topics in Cinema Studies 
  • ITALIAN 8243: Italian Cinema 
  • PORTUGUESE 7440: Brazilian Film*  (May have language requirements)
  • RUSSIAN 6657: Gender and National Identity 
  • SCANDVN 4450: The Films of Ingmar Bergman
  • SPANISH 7800: Latin American Film* (May have language requirements)
  • WGSST 4527: Studies in Women and Cinema
  • WGSST 8860: Topics in Feminist Studies

For the GIS in Film Studies, 3 credit hours may be approved for an upper-level, intensive film course that does not appear on the approved list. 

If you have a question about whether an upper-level film course would be approved to count towards the specialization, please contact the program coordinator in advance of enrollment for department approval.

  • Introductory film courses are not eligible for use toward GIS. 
  • Courses graded S/U, are not eligible for use toward GIS.