2013-2014 End of Year Celebration
Awards & Recognition Program
April 16, 2014
The following students were honored with Undergraduate Student Excellence in recognition for participation in this year’s Denman Undergraduate Research Forum.
- Andrew Trimmer - Finding the Heart in Theatre, Adviser: Joy Reilly. He also received an Undergraduate Research Scholarship from the Arts and Sciences Honors Committee.
- Natalie Woods - Live Programming and Operation of Lighting in a Text-Based Theatrical Performance, Advisers: Jennifer Schlueter and Mary Tarantino
- Genevieve Simon - MAPS: Where Do We Go From Here?, Adviser: Joy Reilly. She received an Undergraduate Research Scholarship from the Arts and Sciences Honors Committee.
- Julia Langholt - Science of a Story, Adviser: Joy Reilly

L to R: Ryan Harrison, Julia Langholt, Andrew Trimmer, and Genevieve Simon are recognized for their participation in the Denman Undergraduate Research Forum.
Denman participants from theatre presenting for their minor:
- Ryan Harrison - Using Cochlear Pre-Conditioning to Reduce Cisplatin Ototoxicity, Adviser: Eric Bielefeld
- Leela Singh - Preserving the “Fine Village”: Commodification in Imagined Spaces, Adviser: Jennifer Schlueter
Chelsea McPhilimy, for Excellence in Teaching, Service, Research, and Creative Activity; for guest teaching Theatre 2211, service on the Syndicate Committee; for her participation in Live Design International in Las Vegas and the Young Designers Forum in Texas, her professional development through the Gilbert Hernsley portfolio review; for her lighting design for Zombie Prom, Marat/Sade, Twelfth Night, The Visit, The Rape of Lucretia, and media for The House of the Spirits.

L to R: Mary Tarantino presents the Graduate Excellence in Teaching, Service, Research, and Creative Activity Award to Chelsea McPhilimy.
Chelsea Phillips, for Excellence in Teaching & Research. Chelsea received the Graduate Association Teaching Award (GATA) and the Presidential Fellowship based on her dissertation research Carrying All Before Her. She also received a Coca-Cola Research grant, AGGRS, and Arts and Humanities grant to conduct research in the UK, and she presented research at four major conferences – Dallas, France, Toronto, Virginia, and two more in the UK.
Elizabeth Harelik, for Excellence in Service & Creative Activity for her outstanding work with the OSU/RSC partnership and programming by creating, teaching and leading the workshops that accompany the touring production of As You Like It, and for the marvelous job she did acting the role of Rosalind.
Max Glenn, for Excellence in Service & Creative Activity for his work as the Production Manager of the Lab Series and for the development of the Script Club.

L to R: Jennifer Schlueter presents the Graduate Excellence in Service & Creative Activity Award to Max Glenn.
Camille Bullock, for Excellence in Creative Activity for the writing and production of her play Southern Cross the Dog at Available Light Theatre Company.
Jane Elliott, for Excellence in Research on The Gender Project and coinciding workshops, co-presenting on her research with Mandy Fox at the VASTA conference, and presenting at the ATHE conference on the Theatre and Social Change Debut Scholars panel.
Sifiso Mazibuko, for Excellence in Teaching of the TH 2831 Movement and Voice class, his exquisite command of both voice and movement and his exceptional ability to teach and inspire students to excel in bringing two techniques together.

Jeanine Thompson (left), Mandy Fox (right) present Sifiso Mazibuko (center) the Graduate Excellence in Teaching Award.
Meg Chamberlain, for Excellence in Service, for going well above and beyond the call of duty with her teaching and mentoring of stage managers and assistant stage managers; for her extraordinary abilities, time and generosity as Production Stage Manager for There Is No Silence; and for her excellent assistance with running the Mime and Movement Theatre Symposium. Meg delivers a high standard of leadership in all that she does.
Francesca Spedalieri, for Excellence in Creative Research for the superb, multifaceted job she did as assistant director of There Is No Silence, including her expertise in staging, choreography and the extraordinary animation collaboration with ACCAD.
2013-2014 Honorary Dramatic Fraternity Alpha Psi Omega (APO) President Liz Light led the newly elected 2013-2014 APO officer in the oath of office: Constance Hester, vice president; Michael Carozza, treasurer; Emily Kascandi, business manager.
For contributions as a stage manager:
- Jen Monfort, for excellent stage management of Zombie Prom and As You Like It
- Emi Bungo, for excellent stage management of There Is No Silence
- Josh Cordle, for excellent assistant stage management of There Is No Silence
- Zachary Bailey, for excellent assistant stage management of There Is No Silence
- Constance Hester, for excellent assistant stage management of The House of the Spirits
For contributions to the scenic studio:
- Emily Jeu
- Ryan Harrison, in particular for his work as technical director for As You Like It
For contributions to sound and media:
- Zach Evans, for helping pull more than a mile of network cable this semester
For contributions in design:
- Chris White, for sound design in The House of the Spirits
- Ashton Montgomery, for costume design of As You Like It
For contributions as a performer:
- For their work in The House of the Spirits: Leela Singh, Anna Leeper, Janice Robinson, Rachel Moore, and Jesse Massaro
- For their work in Zombie Prom: Trent Rowland, Kelly Hogan, and Liz Light
- Genevieve Simon, for My Name Is Rachel Corrie

L to R: Anna Leeper, Rachel Moore, Leela Singh, Jesse Massaro, and Janice Robinson receive oustanding contribution to production awards.
For ensemble work:
• The ensemble of As You Like It performed at 18 different schools in 20 performances, after opening at the Lincoln Theater from February 7-9. They have exemplified the best in ensemble work and have enriched the lives of hundreds of K-12 students. The acting ensemble is: Erica Beimeshe, Victoria Carthorn, Max Glenn, Elizabeth Harelik, Jay Hobson, Kelly Hogan, Caleb Inboden, Daniel Shtivelberg, David Smith, Kevin Tate, Daniel Turek.

L to R top: Daniel Shtivelberg, Caleb Inboden, Kevin Tate, Max Glenn, Daniel Turek; L to R bottom: Elizabeth Harelik and Kelly Hogan receive oustanding contribution to production awards.
For overall excellence:
- Natalie Woods, for her extraordinary work as tech coordinator for the Lab Series from 2012-2014. Efficient, competent, with an artistic eye and steady nerves, Natalie has been indispensible and will be sorely missed!
- Andrew Trimmer, for his many contributions to the Department of Theatre over the past years, including work as an actor, playwright, and designer, as well as his warm and generous spirit, whether undertaking work in the main office or supporting his fellow students. We’ll miss you!
Established in 1980 in memory of John C. Morrow, professor of theatre from 1963 until his death in 1979, the Morrow Memorial Fund provides small grants for graduate student research.
Recipients: Marni Balint, Shelby Brewster, Allison Brogan, Meg Chamberlain, Mina Choi, Jennifer Collins, Esmaeil Najar Daronkolae, Jane Elliott, Max Glenn, Elizabeth Harelik, Seunghyun Hwang, Jirye Lee, Paul Lockwood, Melonie Mazibuko, Sifiso Mazibuko, Chelsie McPhilimy, Josh Patterson, Chelsea Phillips, Brent Ries, Francesca Spedalieri, Elizabeth Wellman, Geoffrey Wilson
Established February 7, 2003, The Aida Cannarsa Snow Endowment Fund was established to provide need-based scholarships to students interested in the arts.
Recipients: Marni Balint, Shelby Brewster, Allison Brogan, Meg Chamberlain, Mina Choi, Jennifer Collins, Esmaeil Najar Daronkolae, Jane Elliott, Max Glenn, Elizabeth Harelik, Seunghyun Hwang, Jirye Lee, Melonie Mazibuko, Sifiso Mazibuko, Chelsie McPhilimy, Josh Patterson, Chelsea Phillips, Brent Ries, Francesca Spedalieri, Elizabeth Wellman, Geoffrey Wilson
Established December 9, 1982, by American Playwrights Theatre, Inc. Income provides scholarships to students who have demonstrated exceptional talent and ability in dramatic writing.
Recipients: Michael Carozza, Constance Hester, Elisabeth Rogge, Trent Rowland
The Gerald R. Black Scholarship Fund for Recognition of Excellence in Theatre was established in 1974 in memory of Gerald R. Black, a 1924 graduate of The Ohio State University. The scholarship is intended for undergraduate students within the Department of Theatre interested in the area of playwriting.
Recipients: Cecilia Bellomy, Kelly Hogan, Emily Kacsandi, Daniel Shtivelberg
The Michael Swink Fund for Talent in Theatre Technology was established in 1980 in memory of Michael Swink (BA 1975) and provides funding for undergraduate students who have demonstrated exceptional talent and ability in theatre in the area of design and technology.
Recipient: Travis Bihn, Zachary Cooper, Zachary Ivans
The Scarlet Mask Award was established in 1973 by members of the Scarlet Mask Society to recognize distinction and outstanding performance.
Recipient: Joshua Cordle
The Robert Eugene Johnson Memorial Scholarship was established in 1983 with gifts from the estate of Robert Eugene Johnson (MA 1950) to provide one or more scholarships for junior and/or senior students who are majoring in theatre and are maintaining at least a 2.5 cumulative grade point average.
Recipients: Victoria Carthorn, Jesse Massaro
The Roy and Addeleen Bowen Fund for Exceptional Talent in Theatre was established in 1978 to honor Roy H. Bowen, professor emeritus of theatre. The scholarship supports undergraduate students who have demonstrated exceptional talent in theatre.
Recipients: Erica Beimesche, Amy Pan, Akia Williams

L to R top: Daniel Shtivelberg, Josh Cordle, Zach Evans, Jesse Massaro, Trent Rowland; L to R bottom: Emily Kacsandi, Kelly Hogan, Cecelia Bellomy, Elisabeth Rogge, and Constance Hester receive scholarship awards.
Congratulations to Geoff Wilson, the 2014 recipient of the William Case Kramer Theatre Research Fellowship. Geoff is funded for a research trip to Bogota, Columbia to visit several libraries and archives, and conduct interviews with theatre artists. His dissertation research examines representations of violence in contemporary Colombian performance.